August 19, 2011


Yeah~~My friends and I are going to shopping at Sunway Pyramid in this Sunday!!
I'm very expect for the day!!!Yea!!!!! ^^
First time go shopping with my new classmates in this year(it's not mean that i didnt go shopping with my friends before,look carefully~~>is NEW CLASSMATES!!dont misunderstand ya...)
Anyway,lets us 增进感情吧!!(for my classmates,finnixian. ^^)

August 12, 2011

Tomorrow gonna to be a funny day

Today i'm going to share my plan for tomorrow to all of u...
Tomorrow maybe is a funny day becuase Madelene,May qi and me going to Hui Key's house to decorate the 'big big card' to CPQ as her birthday present for next Friday.Next Friday is a special day because it's po qhaun's birthday~~ hihi...I'm looking forward to the arrival of that day.=) So,let's countdown while 'waiting' for the day come!!! =D

August 07, 2011

All bout friendship

I like my friends very much... Although she didnt answer my questions, but i still will be patient to ask her the questions again ... I know that my attitude will change to very impatient sometimes but i also change it back very fast wat....I don't think it's just only me change the attitude, sometime they also change thier attitude wat.....Why am I feel so sad??I no need to worry they will angry anot, but I still very concerned bout their feelings...I really don't know why!!??Maybe I cant lost my friends again....I have lost my friend before in the primary school because of my attitude so I cant be like that anymore...I promise I will talk to my friends very friendly although I am in bad mood...I promise....

I'll never forget u..

Today, I just rmb bout ur face, ur laugh, ur smell, ur kindness, everything in between, i gotta learn something because I know u will never come back.. And yeah, it is hurt me badly.. 'Jane!'you said my name too many times..'Hei Jacky! How's life?' 'Im fine.. you?' 'Im... Sorta fine.. But a litttle it dizzy-weezy because of Math exams yesterday..' 'Hmm. Did u do well?' 'Of course I am!! I'm smart!' Then again, I keeping my mouth shut, cuz I know he doesn't like me when I'm do that.. 'Okay, no more words bout urself? Okay then, bye!' 'Bye......' I realize, I'm still in love with him.. And I know, I can't live without him... My mouth trembling, my heart still pounding, I don't know what to do without him. And yes I just found myself still missing him. He has girlfriend.. her name is ....... Well she's my FB's friend, but she's the most cute and beautiful girl that I know, she's the one for him.. After that, I go to my class, and then listening to music to reduces the memory of him.. 'KKKRRRRIIINNNGGG' the second bell ring 2 times.. Everybody goes in, and I just pull out my earphones and put it in my bag. I opened my diary, I just, can't imagine how I fell in love with him.. And yes, this is my story, and my eyes starts to tear itself.. 'Oh My God Jane?? Why are u cryiingg??' said my ex-classmate. 'It's okay.. I'm okay..' i said to her.. with smiling on my face.. GOD, I'm still in love with him..

DJ, put it back on ;3